

Customers are imported part of any MRP system. In Brytebuild you can perform CURD operations on customers. After reading this page you will be able to understand how to add, view and delete specific customer.

View All Customers

To view your all customers navigate to customers page from your dashboard and then select list tab. There you will have all the customers that are present/added.

Add Customer

Now lets discuss how to add customer. To add customer navigate to customer page then list tab and then press add customer which will lead you to add customer page. Fill out the details of customer e.g name, address, contact details. After filing out details press submit to add your customer.

View Details Of Customer

To view the details of curtain customer go to list tab at customers page and then click eye button. It will navigate to customer details page.

Customer Details page contains all the details about customer e.g name, address etc. From customer details page you can perform delete or edit operation on customer by pressing relevant button. Delete customer button will delete a customer permanently. Edit customer button will lead you to edit page where you can edit customer details. Table will have additional contacts information if any (user can add additional contact information if needed from add or edit page of customer).

Edit Customer

To edit customer go to customer details page and press edit customer button. In edit customer page you can edit details about customer. Once you are finished press submit button to save your changes.

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